Monday, December 29, 2008

Jemaat GII

Minggu barusan ini, atas ide pak Felix, kita menyempatkan diri untuk foto bersama jemaat menjelang penutupan tahun 2008. Berikut ini adalah hasil pemotretannya.

Foto Penutupan Tahun
(silakan di klik gambarnya untuk melihat resolusi yg lebih besar,
atau klik sini untuk mendapatkan resolusi asli)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Best Gift of All - Natal GII 2008

Gereja Injili Indonesia baru saja melewati perayaan Natal tahun ini. Dalam natal ini tema kita adalah The Best Gift of All. Dalam acaranya kita lebih konsentrasi ke arah praise and worship. Jadi hanyalah ada drama singkat yang diselipkan sepanjang berlangsungnya acara.

Kita membuat dua video klip sebagai video latar belakang pada saat penyanyi menyanyikan lagu duet.

Yang pertama adalah lagu We Are the Reason, dinyanyikan oleh Mega dan Jason.



We Are the Reason

Yang kedua adalah lagu The Best Gift of All, dinyanyikan oleh Liong dan Adit.

Adit dan Liong

The Best Gift of All

Berikut ini adalah foto bersama di akhir acara.

Inilah laporan singkat dari acara Natal GII 2008.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Activating Android Developer Phone ADP1 with SimCard without Data Plan

I have finally got my hand with Android Developer Phone, also known as HTC Dream. I though the phone is going to be extra thick and heavy, but no, it's not. It's a pretty well design phone. I can't hardly wait now to start writing code on Android for my home automation system.

First problem I encounter is how to activate the phone without having data plan with my provider. I have plenty of dummy simcard (simcard that without any phone or data plan). I found nice instruction on android developer google group site:
  • download the SDK, you basically need adb in order to send command to the phone.
  • run adb and type

am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n
  • this will bring you to wifi setting on your phone, and from there, you can activate the wifi, and finally, register your phone using any simcard without data plan
Following are some pics:

I tried to compare the size with iPhone 3G, the width and height is about the same. However, HTC Dream is thicker compare to iPhone.

That's it for now, need to go back to work.

update: while reading through some forums, it's actually possible to activate Android without using simcard at all. Just go here to get full instruction.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Thanksgiving & HUT Tante Khouw

Hari Minggu barusan, kita yang tinggal di Canada merayakan Thanksgiving. Di gereja kita, GII Vancouver, teen, youth, dan sunday school choir mempersembahkan sebuah pujian berjudul "Simple Gifts". Inti lagu ini adalah begitu banyak "hadiah" yang telah Tuhan berikan kepada kita, dan semuanya terpapar dengan jelas di depan mata kita.

The Choir

Jason Leads the Choir


Setelah kebaktian, kita juga merayakan ulang tahun Tante Khouw yang ke 84. Keluarga beliau menyediakan makan malam untuk disantap bersama di gereja.

Tante Khouw

Para Senior di Gereja

Pak Stef memanggil jemaat untuk foto bersama

Cik Sophie, Tante Khouw, Tante Djin Sioe, Tante Yeny

Birthday Cake

Tante meniup lilin didampingi keluarga

Om2x dan Tante2x membagikan makanan

Demikianlah laporan singkat kegiatan di gereja GII Vancouver minggu barusan ini.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

New Tripod - Manfrotto 190CXPRO4

During our last trip to Comox, I lost my tripod. I think I left it at the museum. That tripod has accompanied me on every single trip since mid 2004. The tripod itself was almost due for replacement, because it didn't provide enough support anymore for my current gear.

So, I decided to buy another tripod. This time, I want to buy a pro tripod within my price range, because I will bring it for sure in most of my trip. Speaking of pro tripod, there are only two brands in my mind: Gitzo and Manfrotto. I browse online trying to make a decision. It's hard to decide when you don't touch the actual item. Hence, I visited my camera store and spent sometimes playing with various tripods from these two manufacturers.

There is one Gitzo tripod that I really like; however, due to price constraint, I had to go with Manfrotto carbon fiber tripod, 190CXPRO4. This model was released this year on March 2008.

One cool feature for this tripod is the "Manfrotto’s innovative and award-winning Q90° (Quick Center Column System)". It allows the center column to be rotated to horizontal position with a simple motion.

The tripod is 100% carbon fiber and it utilizes magnesium alloy for the top plate.

Most pro tripod doesn't come with tripod head, so I have to purchase the head as well. As for the tripod head, I am open to any brands. My requirement is fairly simple: it can handle the load of my camera and one of my heaviest lens, plus a quick release. After playing around with several brands, I decided to go with Giotto MH1301.

It is a ball-head type. I prefer ball head compare to three way head when it comes to photography. There are two rotating dial for controlling the friction of the ball. There is one rotating dial for adjusting the rotation angle that will come useful when taking panoramic.

That's it. I haven't used the tripod intensively. I can't hardly wait for my next trip :)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

New Gadget - Sandisk Ultra II Compact Flash

I got this card from Best Buy, it cost me $70 + tax. It was pretty good deal compare to the other stores. At its maximum speed (15 MB/S), this card could only support 4.5 fps; my D200 could go at 5 fps. At this moment, it is ok because 8GB Extreme III card is still way more expensive.

8GB Sandisk CF Ultra II

We went to Comox last long weekend, which was one of the reason why I bought this card. I could shoot the whole day and I only only need to change card once. I will post our Comox trip picture later. Currently, I am still busy with work related stuffs, so I don't have time to select thousand of photos we took. Following is the preview.

Goose Spit Beach

Seal Bay Natural Park

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Minggu Perpisahan dengan Ev. Pancha

Tanpa terasa, Ev. Pancha dan istrinya, cik Acen, telah melayani GII Vancouver selama 2 bulan. Telah tiba waktu bagi mereka untuk kembali melayani di SAAT, Malang. Berikut adalah foto-foto yang diambil pada hari Minggu 24 Agustus, minggu terakhir mereka melayani di Vancouver.

Ko Irawan, MC kita minggu ini

Ev. Pancha sedang membacakan nats Alkitab

Ev. Pancha membahas Yakobus 4:13-17

Lagi khotbah

Jemaat GII sedang mendengarkan khotbah

Mengingat kasih Tuhan yang tidak pernah meninggalkan kita..

"Ku di tangan-Mu.. tak pernah ku sendiri..."

Untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih dan salam perpisahan, maka beberapa dari kami membawakan lagu untuk mereka.

The young adults

"The Lord is watching over me..."

Choir SS menyanyikan lagu "Jesus Sees"

"Om Pancha and Cik Acen, thank you!"

"Jesus sees, and He is not the only one"

Om Poernomo mewakili Majelis dan Jemaat GII juga menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada pak Pancha dan cik Acen.

Sepatah dua patah dari Om Poernomo

Pak Pancha, lagi senyum-senyum melihat fotografer kita

Sebagai tanda mata, GII memberikan digital photo album lengkap dengan foto-foto mereka bersama jemaat selama masa pelayanan mereka. Biarlah ini menjadi kenang-kenangan yang mengingatkan mereka pada GII Vancouver.

Terima kasih untuk pelayanan cik Acen...

.. dan pak Pancha di GII Vancouver

Cik Acen, pak Pancha, dan om Poernomo

Jemaat mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ev. Pancha dan istri atas pelayanannya selama dua bulan terakhir di Gereja Injili Indonesia Vancouver. Kami sangat berterima kasih atas berkat-berkat yang telah kami terima selama masa pelayanan kalian berdua, dan biarlah pelayanan Ev. Pancha dan cik Sumanti di Indonesia bisa terus menjadi berkat bagi yang lain.

We'll miss you two!