Tanpa terasa, Ev. Pancha dan istrinya, cik Acen, telah melayani GII Vancouver selama 2 bulan. Telah tiba waktu bagi mereka untuk kembali melayani di SAAT, Malang. Berikut adalah foto-foto yang diambil pada hari Minggu 24 Agustus, minggu terakhir mereka melayani di Vancouver.
Untuk menyampaikan rasa terima kasih dan salam perpisahan, maka beberapa dari kami membawakan lagu untuk mereka.
Om Poernomo mewakili Majelis dan Jemaat GII juga menyampaikan rasa terima kasih kepada pak Pancha dan cik Acen.
Sebagai tanda mata, GII memberikan digital photo album lengkap dengan foto-foto mereka bersama jemaat selama masa pelayanan mereka. Biarlah ini menjadi kenang-kenangan yang mengingatkan mereka pada GII Vancouver.
Jemaat mengucapkan terima kasih kepada Ev. Pancha dan istri atas pelayanannya selama dua bulan terakhir di Gereja Injili Indonesia Vancouver. Kami sangat berterima kasih atas berkat-berkat yang telah kami terima selama masa pelayanan kalian berdua, dan biarlah pelayanan Ev. Pancha dan cik Sumanti di Indonesia bisa terus menjadi berkat bagi yang lain.
We'll miss you two!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Garage Sale
Our town house complex are having garage sale event yesterday. We have a lot of stuffs that we don't need anymore or we want to sell them. So, we join the event by setting up table in front of our house.

I put humongous 20" Sony G500 Monitor (it used to be expensive monitor in its time), cheap MS Keyboard, and bunch of my old digital memory in various forms (i.e. Memory Stick, Compact Flash, and MMC). Their capacities are relatively small, 128MB - 512MB. Oliv and Yuli put kids toys and books. Most of our customers are kids, so Yuli's stuffs are highly in demand :)
However, waiting for customers is boring ... so the girls start playing with soap bubbles.

I get bored as well and start to shoot random things ...
It is a very hot day, and we start packing after sitting there for ~ 2 hours :)

I put humongous 20" Sony G500 Monitor (it used to be expensive monitor in its time), cheap MS Keyboard, and bunch of my old digital memory in various forms (i.e. Memory Stick, Compact Flash, and MMC). Their capacities are relatively small, 128MB - 512MB. Oliv and Yuli put kids toys and books. Most of our customers are kids, so Yuli's stuffs are highly in demand :)
However, waiting for customers is boring ... so the girls start playing with soap bubbles.

I get bored as well and start to shoot random things ...
It is a very hot day, and we start packing after sitting there for ~ 2 hours :)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Can't Connect to MySQL Server: error 10061
I encounter this problem when trying to connect from my development machine to Coniques database server, which is hosted on different machine. I have setup all user permission to make sure that user can connect from remote host.
The database server is running Ubuntu Server Edition using MySQL as the database engine. The development machine is running Windows XP Pro and I utilize MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 to connect. I get following error message when trying to connect:
The database server is running Ubuntu Server Edition using MySQL as the database engine. The development machine is running Windows XP Pro and I utilize MySQL Connector/ODBC 3.51 to connect. I get following error message when trying to connect:
[MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Can't connect to MySQL server on 'server_name' [10061]I then try to connect using command line:
mysql -h server_name -u root -pand get following error:
ERROR 2003 (HY00): Can't connect to MySQL server on 'server_name' (1111)This must be some kind of stupid configuration error that I do not know about. I spend some time googling around and manage to find the solution:
- Edit the configuration file located at /etc/mysql/my.cnf
- Find the line bind-address = The default value means that it will only accept connection from local machine. I change the value to and save it
- Restart MySQL by issuing /etc/init.d/mysql restart
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Vancouver Trip in 1 Day
A friend of mine, Darwin, and his coworker, Ivonne, are visiting from Singapore. We are high school classmates and we haven't met since 2002. In fact, he is the guy who manages to drag me into the world of geek :) Anyway, we only have one day to explore Vancouver and its surrounding.
I start the tour by bringing them to Whistler. On the way to Whistler, we stop at Shanon Falls.
Last weekend, Whistler is very crowded due to some kind of off-road biking event. Instead of walking around the village, we take the Gondola right away to the peak. This is also my first time going to Whistler's peak after living in Canada for almost 10 years. The view is amazing even though the noon light is kind of harsh.
On the way back to Vancouver, we stop at Horseshoe Bay to eat at the unique Yaya's Oyster Bar. They have 6 different styles of baked Oysters.
From Horseshoe Bay, we head down to Stanley Park by crossing Lions Gate Bridge.
Our last destination is Science World at Main Street. It is closed already, but we can get a nice after sunset view of Yaletown from there.
It is tiring day but it is also the fun one. I learn a lot of new things from our geeky conversation in this trip :) Some places we miss due to lack of time are as follow, Robson St, Capilano Suspension Bridge, Londsdale Quay, and Grouse Mountain.
I start the tour by bringing them to Whistler. On the way to Whistler, we stop at Shanon Falls.
Last weekend, Whistler is very crowded due to some kind of off-road biking event. Instead of walking around the village, we take the Gondola right away to the peak. This is also my first time going to Whistler's peak after living in Canada for almost 10 years. The view is amazing even though the noon light is kind of harsh.
On the way back to Vancouver, we stop at Horseshoe Bay to eat at the unique Yaya's Oyster Bar. They have 6 different styles of baked Oysters.
From Horseshoe Bay, we head down to Stanley Park by crossing Lions Gate Bridge.
Our last destination is Science World at Main Street. It is closed already, but we can get a nice after sunset view of Yaletown from there.
It is tiring day but it is also the fun one. I learn a lot of new things from our geeky conversation in this trip :) Some places we miss due to lack of time are as follow, Robson St, Capilano Suspension Bridge, Londsdale Quay, and Grouse Mountain.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Paduan Suara SS GII dan PA
Minggu barusan ini, paduan suara sekolah minggu GII mempersembahkan sebuah pujian berjudul "Stop! And Go with Mercy", yang menceritakan betapa banyak hal dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang membuat mereka menjadi jengkel terhadap seseorang: saudara, teman, sepupu, tetangga, dll. Namun ketika mereka mengingat bahwa Tuhan mengampuni mereka setiap hari, dan menginginkan mereka untuk memberikan kesempatan kedua kepada orang lain, maka mereka pun melakukannya.
Untuk lagu ini, hampir setiap anak mendapatkan bagian solo. Dan sewaktu Lisa menyanyikan "my sister always wants her way", banyak jemaat yang menoleh ke arah Karen sambil tersenyum. Hehehe..
Setelah selesai kebaktian dan ramah-tamah, penginjil Pancha membawakan PA "Intisari Alkitab", yang mengajak jemaat untuk melihat "benang merah" dalam Alkitab. Seringkali kita membaca Alkitab tidak berurutan, sehingga kita tidak punya "map" Alkitab yang lengkap dalam benak kita. Seri PA ini menjelaskan tentang daftar isi Alkitab secara menyeluruh.
Inilah hari minggu tipikal di GII.
Untuk lagu ini, hampir setiap anak mendapatkan bagian solo. Dan sewaktu Lisa menyanyikan "my sister always wants her way", banyak jemaat yang menoleh ke arah Karen sambil tersenyum. Hehehe..
Setelah selesai kebaktian dan ramah-tamah, penginjil Pancha membawakan PA "Intisari Alkitab", yang mengajak jemaat untuk melihat "benang merah" dalam Alkitab. Seringkali kita membaca Alkitab tidak berurutan, sehingga kita tidak punya "map" Alkitab yang lengkap dalam benak kita. Seri PA ini menjelaskan tentang daftar isi Alkitab secara menyeluruh.
Inilah hari minggu tipikal di GII.
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