Friday, January 12, 2007

Freezing Weather in Vancouver

In the last three days, the temperature here has reached below zero state. It's not normal for Vancouver to have this kind of weather. Road is very slippery due to black ice and snow. However, there the view of snowy land is gorgeous, I wish I bring my camera with me all the time. I will try my best to get some photos before it starts to melt and become mud.

Sekarang, lagi di tempat kerja, kerja sambil melamun, melamunin kesusahan yang bakalan saya dapat jika ingin membuka usaha sendiri. Saya sudah sangat pingin sih untuk buka usaha sendiri ketimbang kerja sama orang lain. Walau saya tahu tidak akan gampang, tapi it's worth a try and for sure it will give plenty of experiences. Ini perusahaan yang sekarang kita lagi bangun: We provide services for creating a custom multimedia presentation. Inilah bagian art dari saya, walau beberapa technical skills are surely useful dalam mempercepat proses kerja sebuah project.

Coniques Logo

Balik kerja, c ya.

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