Monday, April 23, 2007

The Missing Iron Ring

Last week, accidentally, I looked at space underneath my car's windshield. And ..., I found my engineering iron ring. Waow ... I thought I already lost it somewhere 8 months ago; in fact, it's always with me whenever I drive.

The Iron Ring

Canada is the only country that offers iron ring to engineers who graduate from accredited university. We, engineers, are all bind to oath we declared during the iron ring ceremony, pretty cool he ... :) The ceremony itself is private and not opened to public. Wanna know more about the ritual of iron ring? Just visit

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Easter 2007

We just finished our celebration last week. Easter and Christmas are always interesting for me. It's the celebration of birth and resurrection of Jesus Christ. How he was born, killed, and alive. At church, we usually work hard preparing for these two celebration.

For easter this year, we are presenting a drama titled "3 Wise Man (The Continuation ...). I am not directly involved this time, because I handled the documentation area; taking photos and videos.

Easter 2007 IEC Team. Thank you guys for the hard work.
(click to see larger size)

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Pak Berlianto Farewell

Pak Berlianto adalah seorang staff di Konsulat Jenderal (Konjen) Indonesia di Vancouver. Orangnya baik dan ramah, dan juga tertarik dengan kamera. Hal inilah yang sering kita bicarakan pada saat kita ketemu. Sayangnya, dia menggunakan Canon, dan saya Nikon :)

Masa kerja beliau di Vancouver udah berakhir dan kemarin, Senin dinihari, beliau meninggalkan kota Vancouver. Berikut ini adalah beberapa foto pada saat pesta perpisahan.

Pak Berlianto

Ibu Dian, Gaby, Pak Berlianto

Kenang - Kenangan dari GII

Ibu Dian dan Gaby

Mendengarkan Kesan dan Pesan

Mendengarkan Pesan dan Kesan

Pak Berlianto dan Gaby


Semoga sukses di Indonesia dan sampai ketemu lagi.