Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Android 2.0 aka Eclair is Here

Waow, Android 2.0 SDK is just released. It now supports RFCOMM Bluetooth, which is great for peer to peer communication. WIFI is great but it does not work when you want to establish communication with other devices in WIFI-less environment. I also could not depend too much on 3G, in some areas, it is very slow and sometimes it does not even exist.


  1. So??? Should I buy it or not?? Hmmm... you are not really helping!! :(
    Any suggestion for a Christmas present for my hubby??? Should we go back to Iphone?? hehehe

  2. Motorola Milestone is not out yet, only Motorola Droid is available, but they are CDMA, we want GSM. They are the only iPhone competitor.

    Hehehe yeah, maybe go back to iPhone, koko juga kelamaan tunggu akhirnya go with iPhone 3GS :)
